

  Photo by little plant on Unsplash      This blog was inspired by a post that Ben Stokes made on Linkedin.  He met a retired entrepreneur and was inspired by this person's knowledge and experience and what he could offer.  Ben hoped that an agency might pick up the baton and develop ways to find opportunities for pepple like this. This hasn't happened so far so in response I have set up Grey and Wyse to be a forum for professionals with more than 30 years experience in business who are looking for use their skills for profit or charity and make a contribution as an interim, a consultant or  employee. In the short term this blog will be an interchange of ideas and if there is demand from the professional community (30+ years of experience) it will develop into a hub where you can be found by hiring managers for short and long term assignments. If this is something you have been looking for, either as a professional (30+ years experience) or as a hiring manager then make a comm